Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, May 31, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and myself!
A most Blessed and Happy Feast day of Pentecost to you all! In fact, a Happy Birthday to the Church throughout the world today! Even though we celebrate with joy this reality, we also are aware today of the sorrow and loss of loved ones this past week. In a special way we remember Leonard Lazenby (Rosemary Lazenby’s brother who endured a prolonged and difficult illness), Father John (Jack) Daly Walsh, Maryknoll Missionary who faithfully ministered in the Philippines, and was known by many in the Parish, and Robert Dohnert. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them…
We conclude, as a community and individually, the great season of Easter today and, we are reminded of and celebrate the intimate and (sometimes forgotten) Presence of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity….the Holy Spirit. What a powerful “Advocate” the Spirit is for us! At Baptism, the Spirit blesses the water and holy oils(Catechumen and Chrism) used to consecrate us to the Trinity and gives us new life as Christians freed from the corruption of the original sin. Later, the Spirit “completes the good work begun in us” at Confirmation by infusing within us the promised gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Holiness (Fear or Awe of the Lord). These “tools” are life-long aids for our daily living. However, they may simply remain a seed and dormant within our inner most selves unless we use them, nourish them (through prayer) and apply them in active, loving service.
In today’s beautiful Gospel from Saint John, we hear, “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear…” Jesus came and “breathed” on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit…” and their fear was removed. Soon after, the Day of Pentecost would dawn, and the Apostles, disciples and the world would never be the same.
My sisters and brothers, just as the Holy Spirit given by Jesus to the Apostles on that Easter evening could NOT be contained in that locked room, and would soon burst out on Pentecost Day, so on THIS Pentecost Day, the Holy Spirit is given to us in our locked rooms and homes!… As they went out to proclaim the Person and message of Jesus, and the Church was formed, so will we go out as the Church today (even if it is with masks on!)
Please take a few minutes to listen to a beautiful song to the Holy Spirit to celebrate this special day. It’s called “Send us your Spirit O Lord.” As you listen and read the words in prayer, open your hands, lifting them upward to receive and renew the Holy Spirit’s gifts for you now…
With love, blessings and gratitude for your continued support and generosity,
Father Fred+