Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, May 24, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and myself!
On this coming Monday, May 25th we will celebrate, with heartfelt and reverent gratitude, Memorial Day, and all the beloved, deceased members of the United States Armed Forces throughout the ages, who sacrificed their lives to protect and defend our Country. In addition, as Father Zannon reminded us each year on Memorial Day, we also remember the mothers, sisters, wives and girlfriends of the men who lost their lives. In so many ways, these women lost a part of their life too. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them, may they rest in Peace….
A very wonderful, and unexpected announcement was made on this past Thursday that the churches for the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens would REOPEN beginning next Tuesday (May 26th), the day after Memorial Day! This is truly a gift to each one of us, who have longed for simply going into our Churches to pray, and spend time with Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and all the Saints! I would like to make known to you the regulations from Bishop DiMarzio, so that as a parish community, we may participate in the life of the Church at this time, even in these limited ways. Some of these directives may sound very frustrating and unreasonable, but they are TEMPORARY and necessary as we continue to move forward in a safe and realistic way. God bless you all for your continued support and cooperation (and patience!).
With love, blessings, and gratitude,
Father Fred +
MAY 21, 2020
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is please to announce the Diocese of Brooklyn will slowly work towards going back to normal by opening the doors of the churches on May 26, 2020 for private prayer and devotion as well as for funerals and limited celebrations of baptisms and weddings. The following directives will apply in general and individual churches should prepare further directions which the faithful must adhere to when visiting a church.
- As of Tuesday, May 26th, Sacred Heart Church will be OPEN Monday to Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
- Only TEN people are allowed in the Church at one time. We ask that you limit your prayer time in church to ½ hour or less out of respect for others waiting outside. Ushers will be present to assure that social distancing rules are observed and to ensure that there are no more than 10 people in the Church.
- The left handicapped ramp door entrance of the church, will be the only entrance available each day. Please exit through the right handicapped ramp door.
- The Church has been completely and professionally sanitized and disinfected including sacristies, the main body of the church and pews, choir loft, vestibule, bathrooms and church basement. The Church will be cleaned every morning.
- Anyone who feels sick in anyway must stay home. Parishioners should take their temperature before leaving their home to ensure it is not 100 degrees or higher.
- The Sacred Heart Garden will be OPEN at the same time the Church is open, however, no more than six people are allowed (one at each concrete bench and one standing on the brick Pathway to Prayer). NO ONE IS ALLOWED ON THE GRASS.
- You may NOT enter the Church without a mask. Please bring one from home.
- Hand sanitizer stands are available as you enter the Church. But you are encouraged to bring sanitizer from home.
- Only ONE restroom will be available.
- The Church will be marked off with painters’ tape to mark the ten spots where one may sit or kneel to pray.
- Lighting Candles will be allowed but NO touching of the statues.
- There will be NO Holy Water in the fonts.
- Song Books will be removed from the pews and stored away.
- Bulletins will NOT be distributed. They will continue to be uploaded to the parish website (
- DO NOT leave any holy cards or literature in the vestibule of the Church.
- Brick Order Forms, 50/50 Envelopes or The Tablet will NOT be available.
- There are to be NO communal devotions in the Church (Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Stations of the Cross). Only private recitation is allowed.
Funeral services (not Mass) will be permitted, but are strictly limited to 10 people.
Holy Communion WILL NOT be distributed at these services. Masks must be worn during a funeral service by all in attendance.
Baptisms and Weddings may be celebrated with 10 or fewer participants wearing masks and the Pastor must receive approval by the Office of the Chancellor.
Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated with usual safety measures in place.
Confessions may take place by appointment only. Please call the Rectory to arrange a time with a priest. Both priest and penitent must wear masks.