Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, June 7, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of our Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and myself!
A Blessed Feast Day of the Most Holy Trinity to you all! In the beautiful and comforting Funeral Liturgy of the Church, one of the official petitions of the Mass states, “Many people die by violence, war, and famine each day. Show your mercy to those who suffer so unjustly these sins against your love and gather them to the eternal Kingdom of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord…” In a special way then, we remember and pray for Mr. George Floyd, Retired Police Captain David Dorn, and the many others who have died during these days of unrest in our country and we pray for their families. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them…
After the celebration of Pentecost, the Church, when putting together the liturgical calendar, established the feast of the Most Holy Trinity on the following Sunday. This was to call to mind that, as a community and as individuals, we had all been on the journey of Faith together through all of Lent, the Sacred Triduum, Easter and Pentecost. Now, the FULL revelation of the Triune God has been revealed to the world and we, as Catholic Christians can now celebrate the reality of God, Who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Another contemporary way to express the Trinity is God the Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, expressing It’s historical and theological functions in the History of Salvation.
A primary attribute of God is MYSTERY. We do not have the right to know about the inner life of the Trinity…that is a GIFT revealed to us out of love and humility by God. Each epoch of human history is graced with the revelation of one of the Persons of the Trinity…Creation by the Father, Salvation by the Son, and Sanctification by the Holy Spirit from the Day of Pentecost until today. As the Church, we are living in the era of the Spirit, reminding us that we are surrounded by Creation and the life-giving Sacraments…the gifts of the Father and the Son to humankind.
The Trinity also, by Its revelation to us, reminds us that we are created in God’s image as the Book of Genesis reveals, “In God’s image they were created, male and female they were created.” What a fundamental and life changing reality to embrace and reflect on throughout our whole lives, especially now in our troubled world! YOU AND I WERE CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE! This astounding belief challenges each of us to accept, pray for and treat all people with love, respect, and dignity, even those who may not offer those to us. This is what we have been taught since we were children. We are made in God’s image, so just as the Trinity loves and respects us, so must we do and be for others.
As Christians, from the earliest history of the Church, we have identified ourselves very publicly with the Trinity. Every time we bless ourselves with “The Sign of the Cross,” we are pledging to be that human, visible instrument of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to one another extending the love, respect and honor that Jesus offered and continues to offer to everyone. This is particularly relevant today as we openly and honestly address any racism and prejudice in our society and possibly even within ourselves, which cloud, and distort that beautiful image of God in others.
We do this out of love for our sisters and brothers, all created in God’s image. God’s very nature is a “community!” Years ago, I remember hearing in class at the Seminary, “God loves a community, because God is one!” May our community of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and Glendale continue to be a welcoming place for all people where the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity be our example and inspiration as instruments of Its peace.
With love, blessings and gratitude for your continued generosity,
Father Fred +
P.s. May this hymn of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi bring you the Lord’s peace to share with others.