Fr. Fred’s weekly letter April 26, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the convent and myself! A Blessed Third Sunday of Easter to you all! The Easter Season lasts for 50 days until Pentecost Sunday (This year it’s May 31st), so the Church throughout the world is still in the beginning stage of Her celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. However, it is also during this time of light and new life that I would like to remember each week our loved ones who have passed into Eternal Life (either from the coronavirus or from another illness), and remember their families, as we all live in the hope that they are experiencing the JOY of Heaven: Henry Viola, Lucia Bracci, Eleanor Madison and John (Jack) Hanle. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord…
The Church is offering a final blessing for those who have died, on the day of their burial, on the way to the cemetery in front of the Church. The funeral director and family of the deceased may make arrangements with Father Fullum, Deacon Peter or myself by calling the rectory to inform us of the burial date. Unfortunately, the Church reopening, the Holy Mass, and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Matrimony continue to be suspended until the Bishop gives permission. We so look forward to the day (soon!) when we can all be together again as a faith community celebrating the life-giving Sacraments of Christ.
I especially want to express now a deep and heartfelt word of gratitude to all of you for your continued financial generosity and support during this time. The parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish are ALWAYS generous and supportive, but that you continue to think of Sacred Heart the way that you have since March 15th is TRULY inspiring and moving. Beginning each Friday (or before), the donation envelopes start pouring into the front door mailbox of the rectory for that weekend, or onto the online GiveCentral program established by the Parish. Thank you for making the effort to bring your donation to the rectory or for going on-line! Whether the offerings are cash or check, or online giving, whether they are sent in each week or in bundles of a few weeks, they are picked up, counted, recorded and deposited into the bank by Liliana Gomez, our financial secretary. I am so grateful to her for her dedication and concern for our parish and Academy! In addition to your prayers and phone calls, your donations are truly a gift from your heart to our parish, and to Almighty God. Thank you! I would also like to acknowledge and thank Susanne Wolfe, one of our parish secretaries, who continues to put together and organize the bulletin each week from home and also types my weekly letter to you, Nancy Baer, who continues in so many ways to help those in need from our Parish Ministries Office, and Laura Ciraolo, who is in daily and weekly contact with the catechists and parents of the children of our Faith Formation Program. God bless you all and thank you too!
In this Sunday’s Gospel according to St. Luke, the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Jesus “…in the breaking of the Bread.” May we also come to know Him more fully and intimately not only in the Holy Eucharist, but in the generosity and support we offer to one another.
With blessings and love,
Father Fred