Fr. Fred’s Triduum Reflections
Dear Parishioners,
Even though we will not be together for the Sacred Triduum, let us enter into this most sacred season with the help of some beautiful meditation hymns for each day. I would like to share with you my favorite songs for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. I hope they assist you, in this small way, to experience the profound meaning of our Lord’s merciful and redemptive love for us.
May I also offer a prayerful reminder to participate in the Sacred Triduum on the religious television stations that will broadcast the ceremonies on each day. Please tune into NET-TV (Spectrum 97, Verizon 48, Optimum 30) or EWTN (Spectrum 460, Verizon 285, DirectTV 370) or Catholic Faith Network (from the Rockville Centre Diocese, Spectrum 471, Verizon 296, Optimum 137).
With prayerful wishes,
Fr. Fred
“He took a towel and tied it around His waist. Then He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel…” (From the Holy Gospel according to St. John) We give thanks today for the gifts of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders (Deacon, Priest and Bishop).
Today, in addition to the meditation hymn, I have included The Litany of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Bishop DiMarzio has asked all the Faithful of the Diocese of Brooklyn to pray this powerful prayer for an end to the corona virus pandemic at 12 noon.
The Litany of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
“So they took Jesus, and, carrying the cross Himself, he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgatha. There, they crucified Him, and with Him two others, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle.” (From the Holy Gospel according to St. John)
Today we pray for an appreciation of and greater desire for the gift of SILENCE in our lives, where we can lovingly encounter the resting and silent Jesus. “They took the Body of Jesus and bound it with burial cloths along with the spices…for the tomb was close by.” (From the Holy Gospel according to St. John)