Category Archives: News
Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, June 14, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and me! On this joyful feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we are reminded that in our lives there is a mysterious mixture of happiness and tranquility, sorrow and distress. So, even on this happy day, we remember those who have died, and their families… Joseph Spano and William Niklaus. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.
I would also like to express our heartfelt and enthusiastic CONGRATULATIONS to the Graduates of 2020 of our Sacred Heart Catholic Academy! God bless you all as you begin High School in the Fall! You truly are an amazing class as a whole and as individuals. You endured these past three months of isolation with dedication to your studies and a great spirit of
acceptance and creativity! I would also like to acknowledge Miss Gangi, our Principal, the Faculty and Staff of the Academy, the Board of Directors, and especially the Parents of our students, not only those of our Graduates, but ALL parents of the Academy for their support.
The Holy Eucharist, The Blessed Sacrament, Holy Communion, The Real Presence are all revered and venerable titles the Catholic Church has attributed to that great Gift given to us that is Jesus Himself. Each title reveals and describes a different aspect of the mystery of Our Lord.
The word “Eucharist” means Thanksgiving as He offered His life in loving gratitude and service to us. The word “Sacrament” means an outward sign of an interior experience of God’s love and presence. The word “Communion” expresses His intimate desire to be united body and soul to ours. “The Real Presence” proclaims that He is NOT just a symbol, but is truly present! Even
though we honor and adore this Gift to us every time we celebrate Holy Mass, the Church offers us this special day to pause, and reflect on It’s meaning in our own lives.
The hardship frequently expressed by Catholics who I spoke with during the recent lockdown was NOT receiving Holy Communion. To hear this was not only heartbreaking, but to be honest, was also INSPIRING. The longing you feel to be united with Jesus and the comfort, strength and peace He brings in receiving the Holy Eucharist, truly helped me feel the same. Sometimes I can
take that experience for granted. But, not anymore… because of YOU! May this Feast of Corpus Christi, unite ALL of us as a parish community. May our daily Spiritual Communion keep us longing for that day when we can receive Our Lord Sacramentally once again, and share His Presence with one another.
With love and blessings and gratitude for your continued support and generosity,
Father Fred+
P.s. A prayerful reminder that on this Sunday, 6-14, (The Feast of Corpus Christi) between 1:00p.m. and 3:00 p.m. I will be processing (in a convertible) with Father Fullum and Deacon Peter throughout the Parish “boundaries.” I will try to reach as many blocks as possible… If you hear the Mass bells coming down your block, please come outside for a blessing with the Holy
Corpus Christi Procession Announcement
Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
This Sunday, June 14th, is the Feast of the The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ…Corpus Christi. Since the 13th century, one of the ways to honor this Gift to us is by processing through the streets with the Blessed Sacrament and publicly showing our belief in and offering our adoration to Our Lord in the Eucharist.
Since we, as a parish, cannot celebrate Holy Mass together and come to Church and receive Jesus at this time, He will come to YOU! Beginning at 1:00 p.m. on this Sunday, Father Fullum, Deacon Peter and I will be riding in a convertible car with the Holy Eucharist in a Monstrance. As we travel throughout the parish from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., we will go through as many blocks as possible from 74th to 88th Streets and Myrtle Ave. to 77th Ave. blessing the residents who live there. When you hear the Mass bells on your block, come outside and stand in front of your house to receive a blessing. Hopefully, it will be a beautiful day!
I would like to thank Mr. Mike Bilski and the East Coast Car Association, for the donation of his classic car for the procession, and Mr. Frank Kotnik, Mr. John Baer (Grand Knight) and the Msgr. Sherman Knights of Columbus Council for helping to organize this procession. See you all on Sunday!
With love and blessings,
Father Fred+
Novena Prayer to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Dearest Parishioners,
Friday, June 19th is the Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, our parish Feast day. It is a joyful celebration affirming our belief in the unconditional LOVE that our dear Lord offers to each one of us….We are so blessed to belong to a
parish under this title, which constantly reminds us to be grateful for this gift and extend it to our sisters and brothers, those that we love and love us, AND pray for those who we do NOT love, nor love us. This is the primary characteristic of a
Christian, “See how they (Christians) love one another!” we hear in the First Letter of Saint Peter in the New Testament.
As we prayed together the Holy Spirit Novena to prepare for Pentecost, so beginning tomorrow (Wednesday, June 10), we will pray a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please say the following prayer for the next nine days as we remember one another and all our special intentions. Following the prayer is a beautiful meditation hymn to the Sacred Heart.
With love and blessings,
Father Fred+
Lord Jesus Christ, You have called us to share in Your saving mission. Sinners though we are, we accept this invitation, and we renew today our baptismal commitment to You, our devotion to Your Sacred Heart, and our union with Your Eucharistic Sacrifice. That we may serve You more faithfully, we ask You, dear Jesus, to obtain for us the favors we seek during this Novena, only if they are in accord with Your Most Holy Will… (Pause and offer your intentions). Deepen our faith, and touch fire to our hearts, that we may respond with that same love that fills Your Sacred Heart. Amen.
Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, June 7, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of our Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and myself!
A Blessed Feast Day of the Most Holy Trinity to you all! In the beautiful and comforting Funeral Liturgy of the Church, one of the official petitions of the Mass states, “Many people die by violence, war, and famine each day. Show your mercy to those who suffer so unjustly these sins against your love and gather them to the eternal Kingdom of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord…” In a special way then, we remember and pray for Mr. George Floyd, Retired Police Captain David Dorn, and the many others who have died during these days of unrest in our country and we pray for their families. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them…
After the celebration of Pentecost, the Church, when putting together the liturgical calendar, established the feast of the Most Holy Trinity on the following Sunday. This was to call to mind that, as a community and as individuals, we had all been on the journey of Faith together through all of Lent, the Sacred Triduum, Easter and Pentecost. Now, the FULL revelation of the Triune God has been revealed to the world and we, as Catholic Christians can now celebrate the reality of God, Who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Another contemporary way to express the Trinity is God the Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, expressing It’s historical and theological functions in the History of Salvation.
A primary attribute of God is MYSTERY. We do not have the right to know about the inner life of the Trinity…that is a GIFT revealed to us out of love and humility by God. Each epoch of human history is graced with the revelation of one of the Persons of the Trinity…Creation by the Father, Salvation by the Son, and Sanctification by the Holy Spirit from the Day of Pentecost until today. As the Church, we are living in the era of the Spirit, reminding us that we are surrounded by Creation and the life-giving Sacraments…the gifts of the Father and the Son to humankind.
The Trinity also, by Its revelation to us, reminds us that we are created in God’s image as the Book of Genesis reveals, “In God’s image they were created, male and female they were created.” What a fundamental and life changing reality to embrace and reflect on throughout our whole lives, especially now in our troubled world! YOU AND I WERE CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE! This astounding belief challenges each of us to accept, pray for and treat all people with love, respect, and dignity, even those who may not offer those to us. This is what we have been taught since we were children. We are made in God’s image, so just as the Trinity loves and respects us, so must we do and be for others.
As Christians, from the earliest history of the Church, we have identified ourselves very publicly with the Trinity. Every time we bless ourselves with “The Sign of the Cross,” we are pledging to be that human, visible instrument of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to one another extending the love, respect and honor that Jesus offered and continues to offer to everyone. This is particularly relevant today as we openly and honestly address any racism and prejudice in our society and possibly even within ourselves, which cloud, and distort that beautiful image of God in others.
We do this out of love for our sisters and brothers, all created in God’s image. God’s very nature is a “community!” Years ago, I remember hearing in class at the Seminary, “God loves a community, because God is one!” May our community of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and Glendale continue to be a welcoming place for all people where the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity be our example and inspiration as instruments of Its peace.
With love, blessings and gratitude for your continued generosity,
Father Fred +
P.s. May this hymn of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi bring you the Lord’s peace to share with others.
Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, May 31, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and myself!
A most Blessed and Happy Feast day of Pentecost to you all! In fact, a Happy Birthday to the Church throughout the world today! Even though we celebrate with joy this reality, we also are aware today of the sorrow and loss of loved ones this past week. In a special way we remember Leonard Lazenby (Rosemary Lazenby’s brother who endured a prolonged and difficult illness), Father John (Jack) Daly Walsh, Maryknoll Missionary who faithfully ministered in the Philippines, and was known by many in the Parish, and Robert Dohnert. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them…
We conclude, as a community and individually, the great season of Easter today and, we are reminded of and celebrate the intimate and (sometimes forgotten) Presence of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity….the Holy Spirit. What a powerful “Advocate” the Spirit is for us! At Baptism, the Spirit blesses the water and holy oils(Catechumen and Chrism) used to consecrate us to the Trinity and gives us new life as Christians freed from the corruption of the original sin. Later, the Spirit “completes the good work begun in us” at Confirmation by infusing within us the promised gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Holiness (Fear or Awe of the Lord). These “tools” are life-long aids for our daily living. However, they may simply remain a seed and dormant within our inner most selves unless we use them, nourish them (through prayer) and apply them in active, loving service.
In today’s beautiful Gospel from Saint John, we hear, “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear…” Jesus came and “breathed” on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit…” and their fear was removed. Soon after, the Day of Pentecost would dawn, and the Apostles, disciples and the world would never be the same.
My sisters and brothers, just as the Holy Spirit given by Jesus to the Apostles on that Easter evening could NOT be contained in that locked room, and would soon burst out on Pentecost Day, so on THIS Pentecost Day, the Holy Spirit is given to us in our locked rooms and homes!… As they went out to proclaim the Person and message of Jesus, and the Church was formed, so will we go out as the Church today (even if it is with masks on!)
Please take a few minutes to listen to a beautiful song to the Holy Spirit to celebrate this special day. It’s called “Send us your Spirit O Lord.” As you listen and read the words in prayer, open your hands, lifting them upward to receive and renew the Holy Spirit’s gifts for you now…
With love, blessings and gratitude for your continued support and generosity,
Father Fred+
Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, May 24, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent, the Parish Pastoral Council and myself!
On this coming Monday, May 25th we will celebrate, with heartfelt and reverent gratitude, Memorial Day, and all the beloved, deceased members of the United States Armed Forces throughout the ages, who sacrificed their lives to protect and defend our Country. In addition, as Father Zannon reminded us each year on Memorial Day, we also remember the mothers, sisters, wives and girlfriends of the men who lost their lives. In so many ways, these women lost a part of their life too. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them, may they rest in Peace….
A very wonderful, and unexpected announcement was made on this past Thursday that the churches for the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens would REOPEN beginning next Tuesday (May 26th), the day after Memorial Day! This is truly a gift to each one of us, who have longed for simply going into our Churches to pray, and spend time with Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and all the Saints! I would like to make known to you the regulations from Bishop DiMarzio, so that as a parish community, we may participate in the life of the Church at this time, even in these limited ways. Some of these directives may sound very frustrating and unreasonable, but they are TEMPORARY and necessary as we continue to move forward in a safe and realistic way. God bless you all for your continued support and cooperation (and patience!).
With love, blessings, and gratitude,
Father Fred +
MAY 21, 2020
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is please to announce the Diocese of Brooklyn will slowly work towards going back to normal by opening the doors of the churches on May 26, 2020 for private prayer and devotion as well as for funerals and limited celebrations of baptisms and weddings. The following directives will apply in general and individual churches should prepare further directions which the faithful must adhere to when visiting a church.
- As of Tuesday, May 26th, Sacred Heart Church will be OPEN Monday to Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
- Only TEN people are allowed in the Church at one time. We ask that you limit your prayer time in church to ½ hour or less out of respect for others waiting outside. Ushers will be present to assure that social distancing rules are observed and to ensure that there are no more than 10 people in the Church.
- The left handicapped ramp door entrance of the church, will be the only entrance available each day. Please exit through the right handicapped ramp door.
- The Church has been completely and professionally sanitized and disinfected including sacristies, the main body of the church and pews, choir loft, vestibule, bathrooms and church basement. The Church will be cleaned every morning.
- Anyone who feels sick in anyway must stay home. Parishioners should take their temperature before leaving their home to ensure it is not 100 degrees or higher.
- The Sacred Heart Garden will be OPEN at the same time the Church is open, however, no more than six people are allowed (one at each concrete bench and one standing on the brick Pathway to Prayer). NO ONE IS ALLOWED ON THE GRASS.
- You may NOT enter the Church without a mask. Please bring one from home.
- Hand sanitizer stands are available as you enter the Church. But you are encouraged to bring sanitizer from home.
- Only ONE restroom will be available.
- The Church will be marked off with painters’ tape to mark the ten spots where one may sit or kneel to pray.
- Lighting Candles will be allowed but NO touching of the statues.
- There will be NO Holy Water in the fonts.
- Song Books will be removed from the pews and stored away.
- Bulletins will NOT be distributed. They will continue to be uploaded to the parish website (
- DO NOT leave any holy cards or literature in the vestibule of the Church.
- Brick Order Forms, 50/50 Envelopes or The Tablet will NOT be available.
- There are to be NO communal devotions in the Church (Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Stations of the Cross). Only private recitation is allowed.
Funeral services (not Mass) will be permitted, but are strictly limited to 10 people.
Holy Communion WILL NOT be distributed at these services. Masks must be worn during a funeral service by all in attendance.
Baptisms and Weddings may be celebrated with 10 or fewer participants wearing masks and the Pastor must receive approval by the Office of the Chancellor.
Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated with usual safety measures in place.
Confessions may take place by appointment only. Please call the Rectory to arrange a time with a priest. Both priest and penitent must wear masks.