Fr. Fred’s Weekly Letter, May 10, 2020
Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,
Greetings from Father Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent, and myself! A Blessed and Happy Mothers’ Day to all biological mothers, adoptive mothers, Godmothers, and all women who nourish and care for us as well! A heartfelt word of gratitude and blessing to you all!
As we begin the beautiful month of May, we are reminded as Catholics of our devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary. Devotions to her began during this time over the centuries because it is the season of blooming flowers which we offer as symbolic gifts of our love and childlike affection for her. From a secular point of view, it is also why Mothers’ Day was chosen on the second Sunday of May each year. The month of May honors our spiritual Mother, AND those women God gives to us who love us like a mother. This week, our parish lost two women…Irene Salayka and Barbara Donnelly. We pray, through Mother Mary’s intercession, that they will experience eternal peace, and their families feel the hope of the Resurrection.
In the summer of 1971 (when I was seven years old), I became very sick with spinal meningitis, (an infection in the fluid of the spinal cord). I was placed in Long Island Jewish Hospital near my home in Floral Park. I have few memories of my experience there except for: a high fever and nausea, a team of doctors and nurses holding me down while awake and lying on my stomach while they extracted the infected fluid from my lower back (so I wouldn’t make any sudden movements and risk paralysis), and making a mosaic tile trivet for my mother when I recovered. The most vivid and profound memory, however, was seeing my mother come into my room the night before my procedure wearing a (now VERY common image) protective mask. Only later would I discover that the doctors and nurses were not sure if I would last that night, and she and my father actually came to say goodbye to me. However, I remember feeling protected and loved. Even though she had to leave (for fear of infection), I did not feel lonely or afraid. I knew I was going to be well again…simply by her presence.
Forty-six years later in June 2017, soon after I underwent another medical procedure (this time a seven-hour lower back operation), I was invited to a special Mass at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Valley Stream, N.Y. In attendance was Ivan Dragicevic. Ivan is one of the six visionaries of the apparitions of our Blessed Mother with the title Our Lady of Medjugorie in Croatia which began in 1981 and continued for many years later. The site of the apparitions (the parish Church of Saint James and the surrounding region) has become one of the most popular destinations for Catholic pilgrimages in the world and a center of conversion and prayer, especially for young people. After Mass, Ivan began to lead the Rosary kneeling in front of a beautiful statue of Mary, with all present (about 500 people). After the Sign of the Cross, he stopped praying verbally, and we all sat in silence for many minutes. Ivan then stood up and announced, through an interpreter, that the Blessed Mother was present in the Church! She had been speaking with him…HERE…in Valley Stream…in front of us all! He said, “She blesses all here present, with a motherly love, especially the priests.” Since there were only four priests, I felt overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for that unique recognition by Our Lady present in that Church where
Heaven touched earth for those few minutes. At that moment, the image of my mother wearing a face mask, all those years ago in my hospital room flashed through my mind…I felt protected and loved once again by Our Blessed Mother’s presence, as I did by my mother’s. Love…the greatest gift of Mary to us, because Jesus is Love, and she gives us Jesus. It is the greatest gift we can give to one another.
With love, blessings and gratitude for your continued generosity and support.
Father Fred +
P.S. A prayerful reminder that on Sunday, May 10th at 1:00 p.m., Deacon Peter and I will “live stream” on the Sacred Heart Facebook Page, from inside the Church, a May crowning of the Blessed Mother, and a Mothers’ Day blessing for all biological and adoptive mothers and godmothers, and all women who lovingly nourish the physical, emotional and spiritual life of us all. Please join us ONLINE for this special event!